Let in the Light... Here’s to a New Year of ideas!

And so it goes…. The start of the new year signifies changes for many of us. We are ready to shed the old and embrace new ways of being. We will eat better, sleep more, drink less and be SOOO much nicer! I think this seems counter intuitive sometimes.. Of course healthy choices are so often a great way to lead a life that feels more fullfilled even happier, but in our rush to create a new us each year can we be neglecting what is already there? Could we be perfect already?!

Now this cannot be right!! I can hear the audible gasp! If we are already wonderful just as we are then what’s the point?!?! I relate to this storyline of life very VERY much.. If I already have all I need to feel secure, well and happy, then why don’t I feel it? And what do I do with all my lotions, pills, protein powders, beauty serums, detox programs and yoga retreats?

We don’t have to throw it all out of course.. But it might be worth looking into.. What if this idea, this Thing that we are truly searching for is not on the outside. It is not in some sacred cave. It doesn’t live in the mystic chant and it doesn’t just show up when everything is aligned just right. What if it lives within us, and we have been able to access it all along? What then?

This is not new thinking. Dorothy was ready to go home. She knew Kansas was not just a weathered farm house but a state of mind, a state of being in her home where ever she was. We know that yoga texts speak of this often. We understand that in the Upanishads the Spirit and Other (everything else in this whole entire galaxy… world.. universe) come from the same place, and we are both a part of this “self” and the “shadow” that dwells within.

Here is my Idea for the New Year: (I CANNOT say resolution because my inner Rebel immediately wants to bust threw and push whatever idea I have out in the street and drive over it about 29 times… HA! what can I say.. I get hung up on labels.. there is work to be done there :)

My idea is to examine my own day.. my own life each moment, that I remember to, with I sense of this internal realization, this letting in of my own true light. My own true nature.. I am ready to become curious with my own being and really see how this amazing and mysterious creature works each and every day.

I wish I could say that this will give me all the answers I am seeking or solve all my problems or get me Results that we are so interested in these days! Truth is I have no clue what lies ahead, I can say that with certainty… What I am is ready to ask the questions and ready to listen. I am ready to lead with love.. I am ready to love myself just a little bit more (as one of my teachers says all the time) in this situation.

I am the (potion, detox, serum, chant, workout, retreat etc….) LIGHT I have been looking for all along.

If you feel inclined to follow along.. or even join in this adventure, stay tuned! I have a very exciting process I am ready to take on as I dive inward these first few months of 2021!

Christine Day